The Key to Success for Year-End Fundraising

Do you remember Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits? I used to. I recently read an article in Forbes that made me smile. The guy was referring to The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. He confessed that when it came out 20+ years ago he loved the book, read it more than once, and worked hard…

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#1 Nonprofit Rookie Mistake

I say rookie with all due respect. I know there are many readers who are new to the work and others that have been at this quite a while. Yet we often keep making the same mistake. The notion that “you” can do it alone is an old model of individual, heroic leadership that has…

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Leaping and Playing Big for Executive Directors

What comes up when you think about breaking out of your comfort zone and achieving a goal that’s big for you? For me, I can come up with the very best ideas and goals, get all stoked up, make some progress, and fall flat. I might tell myself I’m in over my head or I…

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5 Tips to become more influential

Real influence happens when others will gladly and confidently follow you. Donors, your fellow boards members, staff, community leaders, your kids… If you’re the boss, board chair or development director, pay special attention. “Followers in voluntary organizations cannot be forced to get on board. If the leaders have no influence with them, they won’t follow”…

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When you’re out of stream

Fundraisers and nonprofit volunteers, this is for you. We all know what it’s like to hit a wall. You question your competence and end up making it worse. Then the ripple effect kicks in. If you’re fed up with fundraising and sick of the struggle, try this. Go to your ATM and take out five…

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Do you aspire to be an award-winning fundraiser?

I hope so. First – let go of the idea that aspiring to win an award for fundraising is egotistical or being in it for the wrong reasons. Humor me for a minute. Imagine you’re the honoree for National Philanthropy Day at your local AFP chapter. There will be 1000 people in your community in…

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5 tips to a winning a good first impression with your donors

First impressions are serious business. Please don’t disregard this as soft or too touchy feeley. Why are they so important?  “First impressions matter when you want to build a lasting trust,” says Robert Lount, an assistant professor at Ohio State University.  Did you know it takes only three to five seconds for someone to form a first…

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Is there a self-defeating power dynamic between you and your donors?

You know the dynamic. They have the power and money and you’re the beggar. They’re one-up and you’re one-down. They’re doing you a favor by making a gift. Sound familiar? How do you figure into this awkward power dynamic? When thinking about a donor that’s important to your organization, say, Jana, is money at the center…

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You can’t be good at everything

This truth is a hard pill to swallow. What’s the matter with you? You mean you’re not detail-oriented, an MBA, a people person with extraordinary EQ skills, and an expert in the subject area of your nonprofit? Interesting, isn’t it? The culture inside many nonprofits is exactly what creates this fallacy. It’s tolerated and accepted…

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How to motivate yourself with fundraising and board leadership

Are you wearing too many hats? Do you wonder what’s at the bottom of your organization’s fundraising or board problems? Is it you? Or maybe that “dysfunctional” board?  Side note: I really hate that word. Now it’s getting personal and that’s the topic of today’s post. Whatever your organization does to change or save lives…

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