When you’re out of stream

Fundraisers and nonprofit volunteers, this is for you.

We all know what it’s like to hit a wall. You question your competence and end up making it worse. Then the ripple effect kicks in.

Carrot hanging on a string on a white background as a concept of motivationIf you’re fed up with fundraising and sick of the struggle, try this.

Go to your ATM and take out five $20 bills. Altruism should hurt a little.

Give away one each day for five days. Find a homeless person, or “over tip” a waitress that seems to need it.

Sad little-known fact:

Did you know that the restaurant industry, especially for waitresses, is a highly sexualized one, and harassment, workers say, just comes with the territory?

The low hourly wage means that many women tolerate outrageous behavior to get the tips they need to feed their children.

Become highly attuned to human beings and what their lives must look like day-in and day-out.

It is possible that the recipients of your $20 will spend the money on inappropriate things. It is also possible that you will spend your salary on inappropriate things.

It is possible that they will get drunk and cause a disturbance. It is possible that you will get drunk and drive a car. We are all flawed beings on this planet, and we none of us get out alive, no matter moneywhat our score on the Virtue-meter.

Become more self-aware than usual. Sometimes we numb out.

As you know, fundraising is about helping people make the world a better place with their time and resources in a way that’s meaningful for them.

Remind yourself of this and consider an attitude adjustment – raise money with pride, not apology. Your job will become more meaningful.

Even if you work with those living in poverty, I’m guessing that doing this activity with your own money, on your own time, using your own sensibility about who gets the $20 may give you some new insights about why you do this work.

When you’re plumb out of steam, see if this helps.

Are you willing to give it a go?

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