Here’s why your board won’t fundraise

Because they don’t want to. More to the point, they haven’t had a reason to.

I’m talking about the kind of fundraising that goes beyond your day to day expenses. 

Alice Waters, the founder of Chez Panisse Restaurant and the neighboring Edible School Yard in Berkeley, is considered the mother of the modern slow food movement in the US. 

I love everything she stands for.

A board member of a local nonprofit that I support invited me to attend a lecture with Alice as the featured speaker. Of course I attend and it was everything I had hoped for. 

I was hooked

I had forgotten how much I cared about this issue. Not as much about school gardens and teaching kids about food. Although that’s important and needs to be a priority in our schools, it was the big idea that grabbed me.

shutterstock_105010811Alice shared her vision to bring farmers and the public schools together to make sure that every child had a healthy, delicious and FREE school lunch made up of local food.

Not the government subsidized ones that are crap and stigmatize the kids.

There would be outdoor classrooms in gardens and a big kitchen where kids would be a part of preparing the food. 

Pow! Right between the eyes.

This may not be your passion – fill in the blank for your mission.

The next day, eyes wide opened, I began thinking about how this could happen in our community. Advocacy, finding people that are on fire like me and not afraid of a big idea.

Chances are high I won’t follow up on this on my own. It would take someone noticing my passion and figuring out a way to involve me. I’m busy, and need cultivating just like everyone. Even if I get it. 

Is there was an amazing, life-changing project or idea  just beyond your reach? Something that would get a handful of board members so excited, they could barely stand it.

Cultivate rainmakers! Imagine what’s possible if more nonprofits figured out a way to get real people in touch with their passion. The sky’s the limit.

What’s your first step?

Keep your eyes open and find out where the most inspirational, innovative work is being done in your area. Who’s the authority or considered the best of the best?

Where are they speaking up about it? Are they on the speakers circuit? Have they given a TED talk (do a search here), is there a documentary? Show it in someone’s living room and invite people over. 

Whatever it is, match it with some good food, wine and a handful of people that share your values and mission.

Girl touching the water with ripple effect.

Be intentional. Make it a goal to build a tribe that is on fire to take on a big idea. I bet your board will be more amendable to fundraising. Not all of them and not overnight. But a few will. That’s all it takes for a ripple effect to take place. 

Can you think of a lecture, TED talk, university event, or something else that would knock the socks off of a board member or 2?


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  • We are a non-profit connecting possible living kidney donors to patients with renal failure. We began a year ago after our 24 year old son/nephew had end stage renal failure and needed a kidney transplant. He received one from his life long friend after 6 months which is highly unusual. Both are doing fine now. In the meantime, we all learned so much about this deadly disease, how 14 people die every day while they wait for a transplant. People with kidney disease are too sick to advocate for themselves so we went into action. Chuck Machado, the President and Founder, went to non-profit school and we began our quest to raise money to run our Charles and Jennie Machado Foundation. Fundraising has been tough and keeping our board members involved who live in Arizona & Norther and Southern California was been challenging. Any help we can receive will be greatly appreciated. We have had 1 person step up to donate her kidney to someone on our website. This is the most exciting news ever!! We need to get the word out that we can all live with 1 kidney, why not share your spare? Thanks.

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    • Admin

      Reply Reply

      Thanks for sharing your story Lois. I’m so glad your son is doing well and that you are taking that difficult experience and using it to do good for others. Yes, fundraising can be hard and the key in my experience is finding others that share your mission and reaching out to them specifically rather than “the masses”. That’s where the magic is- bringing people together that have shared values to achieve something that matters to them. Best of luck to you and the foundation.

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